So, did everybody catch the BIG DEBATE?
No, not the Vice Presidential debate, the douche bag debate that aired Sunday morning on Phantom Gourmet.
It's hard to make Dan Andelman look thin and reserved, but that fathead loudmouth did the impossible. And no, he isn't the dude from Strega! In fact, I've never heard of him. Although, I was psyched to see him face off against the dude from the B52's.
So, who is this guy? "The Guy from Boston?" First off - the use of Boston might be a stretch. I'm willing to bet he's more of a "Guy from Revere" or "Guy from Medford."
But after a little research I realized I am SO out of touch. For anyone who counts the Herald or Fox as their subjective source for news, knows well the "Guy from Boston." And for anyone who references the Improper Bostonian for the coolest theme bars to drop $15 on a martini and ogle BU princesses - you've seen that gay guy, (he's in those "be scene" pictures right next to local financiers and their trophy wives at hospital fundraisers for advancement in plastic surgery).
I give him credit though, for a 115 pound middle-aged gay guy, he claimed a clear victory.
And I couldn't help but think Dandelman, who performed as the impartial moderator, was being a little biased towards "Mr. What-not-to-Wear." Do you think there could have been a little flirting going on? Those podiums were awfully close, no?
So back to the "Guy from Revere." I wondered why the Andelman's were introducing a new character this early in the season, when the Phantom Gourmet cast is already full of fat Italian-Americans.
I'd be a fool to think this wouldn't somehow favor the Andelmans, and in some way fatten their wallets and/or heads. Turns out Mr. Revere has a new radio show of his own! On the same network as Phantom Gourmet! On the same day!
Now it all makes sense.
And no, WTKK doesn't just give any loudmouth a show. Mr. Revere built up a reputation for himself before moving to the radio waves - just like the Andelmans, starting on the small screen. The very small screen.
He's a venerable YouTube celebrity. Just like the "Star Wars kid." But watch a few of his posts, and you'll see why he's been featured on Fox & Friends more than once.
The stripes make the package.
I like at about 1:30 in the movie, when his loud guinea voice quiets down a bit, and he gets a little emotional and looks like he even gets choked up a bit. Although maybe he was just having a small heart attack.
I like the package.
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