Andelman Sightings!!!
The Andelman's are a real presence at this year's Phuck Phest. By presence I mean they're really workin' it! No, literally working it.
They're really doing this thing on the cheap. And I thought they were cutting corners on their TV production budget. Yesterday, Michael was taking tickets, while Dave (who fancies himself an athlete) donned a purple "SECURITY" t-shirt. Dan was on janitor duty, hosing mesquite vomit from the sand.
While the brothers were all over the place, it was nearly impossible to nail one down and ask him what the eff they were thinking. But, one lucky undercover reader caught this grainy image.
Familiar, no?
They're really doing this thing on the cheap. And I thought they were cutting corners on their TV production budget. Yesterday, Michael was taking tickets, while Dave (who fancies himself an athlete) donned a purple "SECURITY" t-shirt. Dan was on janitor duty, hosing mesquite vomit from the sand.
While the brothers were all over the place, it was nearly impossible to nail one down and ask him what the eff they were thinking. But, one lucky undercover reader caught this grainy image.

WTF dude! No Andelman slams in two weeks? It seems 'Phantom Flawed' is flawed as well.
Too bad.
some peoples not happy
I was at the gym this AM and had the misfortune of seeing Sackface on the TV in front of my treadmill. It amazes me that these payola-masters can trot out a "Great Ate" hamburger list that leaves off a classic like O'Sullivans, yet has their pals from Fuddruckers! Fu&!-Ruckers??? Are you &%$#* kidding me?? I hate those no-talent ass clowns!
Hello? Mr. Flawed? What happened, did the Andelman's daddy 'Eggroll Eddie' pay you off to keep you from mocking his corrupt offspring?
Can you give up this blog to someone who will take Phantom-bashing a bit more seriously? A breathless public awaits your answer.
This site had so much potential. It's been very disappointing over the last several weeks. Perhaps you'd consider turning it over to some other Andelman haters???
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