Phuck Phest received with protests

Yesterday's events kicked off to a nearly week-long all-you-can-pay buffet.
As many as 2500 demonstrators held a boisterous rally in Boston's Government Center on Wednesday as the Andelmans dined in disguise . . . disguised as successful event planners. The number of protesters outnumbered event-goers by 250 to 1. The festival appeared more like the Andelmans invited a couple friends over for a cookout, then locked them inside.
Others likened the scene to "a vast and baron desert opening up to the depths of hell, where Satan himself appears with hair plugs and dry rubs. While a band of shrieking sirens led by a soulless capitalist incessantly blared blues riffs..."
Protesters blew whistles, banged drums and screamed their opposition to the so-called ''BBQ Beach Fest," nearly drowning out the sounds of Ernie & the Automatics.
Demonstrators chanted ''Dandelman - YOU ARE FAT! '' about 3 feet from where the two brothers were eating ribs. The brothers ran to tell their dad.
Security was tight and demonstrators from Dorchester's Caribbean neighborhoods pressed up against a long police barricade set up to block them from getting near the "Rasta Racist" Joe Alexander.
Some tried to breach the police cordon and officers used batons to keep protesters at bay. A small grease fire broke out at the Beef Baron's grill station. The flames, upwards of 16 inches, were eventually put out by the Boston Fire Department. The BFD reported 10 firefighters were injured in the process. They are expected to take early retirement with 120% pension.
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