Monday, November 10, 2008

Cholera Outbreak at Phantom Beer Phest

Doctors are treating dozens of cholera cases at a makeshift refugee camp in East Boston, also known as "Eastie."

The group Doctors Without Borders said it treated 13 new cases of cholera Sunday and has seen 45 cases since Saturday's Phantom Beer and Food Phest. The event was held at Suffolk Downs race track - which has since become home to dozens of quarantined refugees after being infected at the festival.

A shortage of water and latrines made the outbreak "really dangerous," said doctors responding to the event.

About 250,000 Metro Boston civilians showed up for Saturday's event. The UN reports there being only enough toilets for 3 people.

At one point, 50,000 refugees were crowded into an area, waiting for food and drink. They stood in line holding purple solo cups, waiting for rations that never came. Several elderly people reportedly passed out from dehydration. At one point a small group of Eastie locals tried to form a protest, but were quickly suppressed. Event staff used noise torture to subdue the crowd, forcing them to listen to extremely loud recordings of Dan Andelman's laugh.

Thousands waiting to enter the festival, without shelter, huddled under a deflated "bouncy castle" to stay out of the rain.

On Sunday, UN officials said investigators accused the Andelman brothers and Phantom Gourmet, Inc. of crimes against humanity.

Tired and hungry refugees stop Dave Andelman from fleeing Saturday's event, after being denied food and drink.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you have a good lawyer.

November 10, 2008 at 3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like some people had a great time.

November 13, 2008 at 8:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Andlemans do some work for charity and I'll give them that but there "events" are rip-offs. There Radio show is just plain bad and they need to stop with the "aruba girl" crap. We know that Dave is gay. Stop living the lie and let your daddy know the truth. If he cuts off your funding, so be it.

December 6, 2009 at 8:43 AM  

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